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BANQloop is our all-in-one waste management ecosystem—a platform that banks valuable commodities into the closed loop economy. Our suite of products and services provides our ideal clients (businesses including airports, stadiums, college campuses, city municipalities, office buildings, apartment complexes, and public transportation stations + hubs) a way to transform their waste management ecosystem to maximize budgets and minimize waste.

By offering a 15:1 volume reduction with 40-55% cost savings, saving upwards of 9% on collection cost, we’re able to leverage relationships with our customers through partnerships like the San Diego Airport Innovation Lab to reach our customers.

BANQ X1 is a smart trash can, within a patented plug-and-play system. It uses AI and robotic technology (with 95% accuracy) to automatically sort, grind down and package (in biodegradable wrapping) all trash and recyclables into vacuum-sealed, deliverable cubes. Data is collected about the contents inserted, and the user is immediately rewarded on the BANQloop App (or Rewards Card) with promotions, rebates, Carbon Points and great pride for helping the planet. Pick-ups are automatically scheduled when the UNIT is full.

BANQcare is our customer-centric service platform. Our target customers are complex enterprise groups like airports, and sophisticated world- class cities such as London, England or smaller progressive municipalities like City of Berkeley. A diverse market group that all share similarities like complex operating environments. BANQcare, simply put, is the service platform our BANQ X1 customers engage with on a daily basis.

Loop IQ is intelligence to empower agile supply chain logistics + manufacturing.

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