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Hello! My name is Fran. I live in Zurich, Switzerland with my husband and our two girls. I grew up in Mostindien (apple juice India), also known as the Canton of Thurgau in Switzerland’s north east. I’ve been living in Zurich for nearly twenty years, with many shorter and longer spells abroad during those years. I spent a year in Australia, a year traveling around the world, mainly in south east Asia and China, five years in London, and a lot of shorter travels. My first experience with cooking was pouring the entire pot of hot water of my fist ever pasta over my hands when I was about eight years old, but it didn’t destroy my love for cooking and food. I subsequently learnt countless Swiss recipes with my mum in our Thurgau kitchen and then recipes from all around the world in countless cooking classes in China, Thailand, Morocco, Australia and so on. Whenever I traveled I realised how difficult it is to really delve into a foreign culture and how much a shared love for food and cooking can be a door opener to connect with locals. This is why I’ve started writing this blog; I’d like to teach foreigners my Swiss cuisine to enable them to dive deeper into Swiss culture. While writing this blog and doing research about recipes and the food we buy and eat I also started to learn more about how our food is grown and the environmental and ethical issues involved, which is why you’ll also find some posts about topics such as food waste, plastic pollution and similar.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and if you have any questions or ideas, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via hello (at)

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