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About Pierre Rabhi
French peasant, writer and thinker of Algerian origin, Pierre Rabhi was one of the pioneers of ecological agriculture in France.
Torn, in his Algerian childhood, between a Muslim origin and a Western education, he witnessed these populations torn between their secular traditions and modernity. A small bank employee, then a worker, an immigrant worker confronted with racism and the absurdity of the urban world, he left these stifling environments very early on and wanted to experiment with other ways of living, free, in harmony with nature. He managed, with his wife, to live off the resources of a small farm in Ardèche. They thus realize their dream of returning to the earth.
Building on this success, he therefore sought to pass on his agronomic know-how and launched in France, Sahelian Africa and the Maghreb, many initiatives to contribute to the autonomy, food safety and healthiness of populations. Thus, for more than fifty years, it has supported the development of agroecology throughout the world.
Pierre Rabhi was at the origin of many structures, born on his own initiative or from his ideas: the association Terre & Humanisme , the agroecological center Les Amanins and the Colibris Movement. He is in demand for many conferences, and has published around thirty books, including in Actes Sud “Towards happy sobriety”, “Pierre Rabhi, sower of hope - interview with Olivier Le Naire” but also “Agroecology, a ethics of life ”,“ The Power of Moderation ”from Editions Hozhoni, and“ La Convergence des Consciences ”from Editions du Passeur. His latest works are, in the collection "Carnets d'Alerte" in collaboration with Juliette Duquesne "The water that we are" and "Vivre better without growth" (Presses du Châtelet), also "Pierre the child of the desert" with Claire Eggermont, illustrated by Marc N'Guessan (Plume de Carotte and Folio Gallimard), finally published in October 2019 “I would love to be wrong” with Denis Lafay, illustrated by Pascal Lemaître.
He died on 4 December 2021, at the age of 83.