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Our dormitories are open-air, with 3 single beds and one double. Each bed has its own mosquito net and storage space for personal items. Built by the hard work and love of many hands, these dormitories rest at the heart of our farm and efforts. With cob, coconut husks and lumber from our land, these walls tell a story. Guests wake up to the sunrise or the forest cloud mist. The dorm has access to a beautiful communal kitchen, shared outside shower and dry toilet! We also have a laundry machine available and imprompt-to community meals can also be a part of any visiting experience. We have fast reliable internet service, providing the best of both worlds to stay connected while embracing the solace of our natural environment! Living on a Permaculture and Organic farm can offer many experiences, giving visitors a taste of what it is like to live a more self-sustaining lifestyle, and even get more in tune with yourself while being one with nature! This is the perfect place for anyone looking for a tranquil place to hunker down. We have our own spring water, gardens, fruit trees, fresh breezes and a small community of folks respecting the quarantine. We have a weekly food order that we put out to a few local neighbors for extra produce and a monthly bulk food order that we make for everyone. This is definitely a good place to spend the next handful of weeks. Come join the fun!


Chat with Alisa Noory

Jessie 25 may 2018 7.51 PM

Vivamus lobortis vel nibh nec maximus. Donec dolor erat, rutrum ut feugiat sed, ornare vitae nunc.

Alica 25 may 2018 7.51 PM

Nulla eget erat consequat quam feugiat dapibus eget sed mauris.

Jessie 25 may 2018 7.51 PM

Sed non neque faucibus, condimentum lectus at, accumsan enim. Fusce pretium egestas cursus..