What we grow and how we grow demonstrates the power of Indigenous, not only through production of the highest quality produce, but also through the restoration of our cultivated lands to a condition matching the wild, uncultivated fungal rich areas left untouched. At relatively no cost without the need for any mined or manufactured inputs, Natural Farming is truly practical to any place, time or condition.
My personal gardening journey began in New Mexico within the rich community of the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market where I developed a line of food products. Together with my mom (the flower lady next to me at market), we uprooted to Colorado and invested in our one-acre property in 2004. We began our journey together, allowing us to create this eclectic, diverse offering of products, services and instruction.
Along the way, I learned Permaculture from Peter Bane and Korean Natural Farming from Chris Trump and remain active within both the Permaculture and Natural Farming communities. My mom just turned 80 and you’d never be able to tell when you see her hauling hoses up and down our paths (while praying for rain). What we offer is simply everything we know and everything we grow.