We have a small family farm in southeast Hancock County which includes a small dairy with Holstein, Jersey and Crossbred cows. Our cows have access to pasture year round and are mostly grass based with a limited amount of brewers grain. We also raise our heritage breed hogs and poultry in confinement free facilities. Our chickens have the run of the farm. We are also now selling lamb meat from Viking Lamb. We sell organic and conventional cheeses, butter, eggs, beef, pork & poultry at several area farmers markets. The cheese and butter come from various cheese producers. The eggs and meats are from our own animals. We do sell hogs and beef for you to have butchered to your specifications. We do welcome people to come to see our farm by appointment or find us at the following markets: * Farmers Market at the Fairground in Greenfield - year round market * Healthway Park Farmers Market in New Palestine Indiana * Cumberland Farmers Market * Irvington Farmers Market * Fresh Wednesday Market - year-round in Irvington * Fortville Farmers Market and year round delivery * We also sell thru the Hoosier Harvest Market Food Hub
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