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NO CSA FOR THE 2018 SEASON, WE ARE TAKING A BREAK THIS YEAR AND WILL BE BACK FOR THE 2019 SEASON! We are a fourth generation farm that started in Lake City, Minnesota in the late 1800's. Today, the tradition continues along the shores of Silver Lake in Columbia Heights! We utilize the latest technological advances in container grown agriculture to provide the best organically grown product for our members. This year we have started a greenhouse to keep up with the demand for more variety. We offer colorful sweet peppers, slicing cucumbers, sugar snap peas (dare you to eat just one!), Yukon Gold potatoes, and a variety of herbs, but we are most known for our delicious tomatoes. A full share provides a perfect amount for 1-2 people weekly and run from Mid-June until September. 1/2 shares are also available. What makes Boatman Organic Farm different? Two reasons - we deliver right to your home or office on a weekly basis (within the Columbia Heights area) and we are about 1/2 the price of other CSA's. For more information, check out our Facebook page or contact us by phone or email.

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