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Chaos Acres is a small, friendly, family owned and operated farm nestled in the Endless Mountains .Poultry wander the fields along side horses and giggling children. We conservatively utilize green power sources whenever possible,such as Pure "Horse Power" and "God's Electric Company"! Everything we produce is grown using Organic and sustainable practices and ORGANIC FEED, after all we feed our family what we produce! We specialize in "Heirloom and rare produce", such as Garden huckleberry, ground cherries , purple tomatillo and a variety of delicious heirloom tomatoes as well as humanely raised and pastured "Heritage breed livestock". Our CSA program offers a wide variety of vegetables and small fruit from May through October . We have Pastured goat ,turkey ,beef and chicken available in season for custom butchering to fill your freezer.. We now accept SNAP benefits and FMNP checks.Our Farm store is now open. We stock a variety of pantry staples , health products , environmentally friendly household cleaners, liquid fence products , Organic grains and animal feed and much more! Chaos Acres is also a dealer for a variety of custom built buildings , Commercial or residential from hunting blinds to animal housing, sheds to barns and cabins! Now offering Health Coaching ,Guided Imagery ,Electro -herbalism and Aromatherapy

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