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Clear Skies Sheep Company is located near the beautiful Kootenai River valley in Boundary County Idaho. We are genuine local north Idaho family operated farm, raising a few hundred sheep, guardian dogs, piedmontese cross calves, porkers and several handfuls of chickens. We eat what we raise! So we raise our meat in the most natural and healthy ways possible. Free of hormones and antibiotics. Orders are taken year round for locker lamb, by the whole, half or select cuts, as well Seasonally and in preordered quantities, we offer pork, beef and fryers or roasters. The flock is pastured in wide open range, allowing free choice grazing. When access to water allows we utilize the benefits of rotational grazing management. We offer natural control of undesirable foliage growth without the use of chemical sprays or labor of mowing. Our non selective grazers are the perfect solution for fire hazard and weed reduction. Plus the added benefit of building your soil nutrients.

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