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When people ask what we, at BLUE STAR FARMS, grow, we tell them we grow the best pasture for the animals that eat it. And that means we also care for the soils that feed that pasture. We're not soil experts, so we utilize a nationally recognized expert to advise us on our soils and forage grasses. He visits our farms, reviews our soils testings and makes his recommendations. In short... healthy soils... healthy forage ...healthy beef...healthy us. Our mission statement; To provide the best beef for the best value for the money. We don't try to grow on the cheap after all "The man who buys on the cheap gets exactly what he paid for". We grow and sell to provide the best. That doesn't mean that we don't watch costs...we do..but we do not compromise on quality. We strive to provide the best value not the cheapest price. We are certified in the Beef Quality Assurance program and also practice Best Management Practices, both of which are nationally recognized programs that require practices that are humane and healthy for the animals. We do not use preventative antibiotics nor do we use any growth stimulants. We are NOT organic...not to say that is good or bad, but only to inform you. Our beef is processed at a USDA inspected facility giving us, and you, assurance the beef was handled in a safe, sanitary and humane manner. It is dry aged a minimum of 14 days to naturally tenderize the beef.

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