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We take great joy in growing on various urban lots and backyards in Minneapolis, as well on one acre 60 miles outside of the Twin Cities. Our growing methods are resilience based, sustainable and organic. We incorporate permaculture and polyculture plantings in all of our gardens, revitalizing and replenishing the land that we cultivate. We also work to create habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects throughout our gardens. Our CSA shares are distributed every-other-week from mid-June to mid-October. Each bi-weekly share consists of a 3/4 bushel box full of mindfully cultivated vegetables and herbs, with a farm newsletter including photos and recipes. We have pick up options in South Minneapolis. In order to contribute healthy food access to people from all economic backgrounds our shares are available through sliding scale prices relative to your income level. 2017 is our 6th year as a small scale CSA. Though we are not certified organic we use only organic growing methods. feel free to email us with any questions~

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