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We grow heirloom tomatoes, okra, cucumbers and a few other heirloom vegetables using no pesticides. We also grow some non-heirloom varieties; all organically (non-certified). We use the Mittleider method of growing in some of our beds. This method combines the best of organic and hydroponic into one very effective and super productive growing system. And it produces healthy and abundant harvests. We also offer fresh eggs from pastured poultry. Don't forget to visit our website or our Facebook page: Just search for Cypress Lake Ranch and then click the "like" button to follow us there. We also occasionally host Farm Days when you can bring your children to experience a real working farm complete with feeding and petting all the normal farm animals. In addition, we can schedule private farm days. Call us to make an appointment because we are not open for "drop-in" visits. We have too much to do to take time out for unscheduled visitors but we'd love to have you make an appointment and visit us that way.

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