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Spring, 2021 Frostfire Farm -- Small family farm and CSA; eggs, wool, herbs, & lots of vegetables! I sell fine wool and wool products from my Merino-cross sheep, and eggs from my hardy flock of hens. I also offer vegetables and herbs from my organically-managed hoophouse and large garden. CSA shares are available for the summer and I accept WIC coupons and vouchers and SNAP/EBT at Union Farmers Market. Sheep, chickens and my half-acre market garden thrive in a beautiful long meadow near the Medomak River in Union's north corner.There starry night skies, trails through the woods, and fishing in season; workshops and farm visits are available. Learn to care for animals, work with wool, and grow your own food, herbs and flowers in a simple, peaceful setting. In Frostfire Farm's CSA, members receive the best and freshest food possible and the grower gets to know the folks eating the crops. Members become part of a local farm where crops are grown naturally, in a way that heals our Earth and keeps us healthy. We all learn about eating locally and seasonally. I grow the most beautiful, delicious and nutritious varieties of produce I can find, with no chemicals added, ever. Always remember-- "An organic farm, properly speaking, is not one that uses certain methods and substances and avoids others; it is a farm whose structure is formed in imitation of the structure of a natural system that has the integrity, the independence and the benign dependence of an organism" - Wendell Berry, The Gift of Good Land Come and see!

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