What is New in 2019? !-RSVP NOW for One time Promotional FREE small group classes at your PBC-NON-PROFIT ORG.Example:Church/School/library/Home Owner Association/Community Garden 2-Special Offer Discounted Mobile Organic Gardening Educational Program Classes For Seniors/Disabled/Military&Police/Firefighters :Now we come to YOUR PBC-HOME GARDEN-: Must Pre-Pay/Pre-register minimum 2 wks in advance at our email /web site. 3-Do you need LABOR/Professional help at your Garden of S.Florida? We are here for you ,let us know what you need??.. 4-Sign up for -Consultations/customized class TUTORING , at the comfort of your own HOME!!Are you READY/serious,on LEARNING the Tropical Gardening Process? Why to TAKE A CLASS on Tropical URBAN FARMING ? The answer is at Why to grow your own food in your S.Florida backyard instead of buying it from the store? ( Think Romaine Lettuce/Spinach E-Coli contamination) The answer is at Are you PROCRASTINATING on starting a Container or Raised Bed PRODUCTIVE Garden at your Home?? The teacher is READY when the student is ! Simply connect with us .We will be happy to help you!Please NOTE: By appointment only Home classes/consultations/tutoring one-on-one.Ongoing Theory and Hands on Classes..CUSTOMIZED to your needs at our place or yours!! ! ? SPECIAL Home Owners Gardening One On One Tutoring DEAL:"50$/hour Consultation /Work/Hour ! Prepaid and non-refundable!Group of 5 minimum gets 50%discount prepaid!No EXPERIENCE necessary..Special One on One Tutoring offer comes with FREE Garden Accessories as available and FREE Hand Outs and FREE Make and Take Home sample seeds/pots/plants as available.Must Pre-register and Pre-pay to qualify..Offer limited till end of 2018!!!More details ob classes offered monthly :Check event calendar at! We come to you with assorted as available and limited to FIVE sample tropical herb/veggies plants :3 hours minimum per day/." Consultation at the comfort of your own BACKYARD GARDEN.We Come to you! We are open for partnership/barter /sliding scale .student ID reduced fee per hour , by special arrangement/agreement to help you devising a PLAN of ACTION that is TAILORED to your budget and CUSTOMIZED Garden plan ,be it container or raised bed.Please read more on the ORIENTATION to our Classes/Consultation?Work to be on the same page: After familiarizing yourself with our Orientation Info below: Please send us your feedback/questions/suggestions.Let us know HOW We Can Help you Best??? I-Class Registration PROTOCOL Procedure Part A. 1- Your FULL Name. 2-Your Phone Number3-Date of Class You wish to attend .4-How did you hear about the class?5-A brief background of your TROPICAL farming/gardening experience and education?5-What is the LEVEL of your Tropical Organic Urban Farming Education and Experience... On the SCALE from 1-10??. Please define your own level ?? 6-What is the purpose of taking organic gardening classes? (i.e. setting up a productive garden-container or raised bed, small apartment/patio/vertical garden, community/school/wellness center/church garden etc).7-Are you interested in a home garden private consultation? What are your needs and when is the best time to schedule a home visit Consultation?.8- What are your interests /intentions/ motivations, other than stated above,by taking our classes ?? II-Class Registration protocol part B-The applicants informed consent to The Four Agreements: 1-Agreement to read blog posts, videos, class information posted , to wear proper garden gear, drink plenty of water and use the restroom prior to attending the class. 2-Agreement to DISCLAIMER that you Willingly Waiver and Forsake All liabilities pertaining to your participation at the Organic Gardening Class you have signed up for. This includes but is not limited to: personal injury/property loss/accidents/complaints/dissatisfaction. You hereby declare that you have no procession of any valuable items on you or in your car and if so, you declare sole responsibility for such if lost or stolen. You also consent to waiver all liabilities pertaining to the property location where the class is offered. 3-Agreement to check with your health professional prior to signing up for class and acknowledging that you are totally fit/able both Physically and Mentally to partake in the Organic Gardening Class, both Theory and Hands on, indoors and outdoors, solely at your own risk and responsibility. 4-You Agree and declare that you will not attending our classes under the influence of, or personally in possession of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or intoxicating substance. You agree to being dismissed, dis-invited or asked to leave the premises if otherwise proven without any refunds for class fees paid.That you also will forsake any prepayments if you cancel your RSVP within 48 hours ,or if you don,t show up to class.You understand that a class cancelation fee is required equal to the amount of class fee prepaid if applicable or to be collected later if not prepaid. By simply Submitting "I AGREE to class protocols part A and B" ,you CHOOSE TO FULLY CONFIRM RSVP / Accept our INVITATION /Agree to waiver all types of liability /understand -agree to disclaimer and all provisions of class protocol parts A and B ABOUT US:Urban Farmer/Consultant/Educator/Writer/Blogger. Horticultural Work experience: Established / contributed work at more than EIGHT COMMUNITY GARDENS.. CONSULTED/EDUCATED/ASSISTED MORE THAN 600 HOME OWNERS/GARDEN ENTHUSIASTS-Students. WORK EVALUATION:MORE THAN 44 REVIEWS POSTED BY MY GARDENING CLASSES STUDENTS AVAILABLE Where are we LOCATED????Palm Beach County..Exact location TBA .We will call you for directions after approval/invitation to our class ,pending your CONFIRMED RSVP. B)MORE About US and WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM US: 1-We teach Organic Gardening Classes to large and small groups .Bring/tell a friend!2-We have Facilitated workshops and classes since 2001 to Home Owners,non-profit organizations and institutions , for example: Schools and colleges(Palm Beach State College-Expo 2011),Local Governments(City of Lake Worth-2010-2011) ,Churches(United Metaphysical Church-2009-2010),Public Libraries(West Palm Beach Public Library-April 2011), Community Gardens,Health Food Stores(Nutrition S Mart 2011-Ongoing-Palm Beach Gardens)and many more.. Gardening is a PROCESS.BE PATIENT TO LEARN AND APPLY WHAT YOU LEARN! SOS:DRAUGHT DRAUGHT DRAUGHT .WATER RESTRICTIONS IN PALM BEACH COUNTY NOW IS ON D4 EXTREME ALERT! ONE DAY WATERING PER WEEK.CHECK OUT MORE DETAILS WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENT.PLEASE CONSERVE ON WATER! Why to Learn Organic Urban Farming ? 1-We have been forced to separate from our natural environment through many cycles of CHANGE that impacted our life styles and FOOD ( from the early days of the horse manure to the modern days of the Hybrid car and chemical fertilizers and GMO food!). 2-We evolved from the outdoors into the confined controlled climate of the indoors.Now we want to connect back with Mother Earth to our roots and grow our own FOOD because we have been missing something important that defines us as DWELLERS OF EARTH or(HUMUSAPIENS)Awareness through classes is an introduction .The LEARNING process needs time as well,to readjust our lifestyles and connect back with our original natural environment(EARTH) and get in touch with the FOOD CHI (Living food Energy) . 3-Locally grown food is now on big demand while the supply is lacking.Backyard farming is filling rhe NICHE!Growing your own food saves on the grocery and hospital bills!My classes are tailored in a SERIES OF: TIME RELEASED non-overwhelming intervals to meet with your own learning pace and garden space...I have a theory and hands on classes each time with different Gardening Topics are offered at each different class. 4-FREE gardening learning posted ONLINE!Cyber-Learning by reading our articles / blogs published at the same link web out the small box :"Read our Blog" on 1st web page to access our blog!. 5-Make your own portable garden and take it home along with :Hand outs, a garden starter kit ,samples of seeds and seedlings , etc..The Hands on the the take home package will HELP YOU apply what you have learned in theory. I recommend that you take as many classes to learn the organic gardening PROCESS in the TROPICAL climate of SF ,which is different from other parts of the US.Read my articles and leave a review .You learn from me and I like to learn from you:How is my teaching? I have received recommendations and a high ranking evaluation from the Palm Beach State College and the City of Lake Worth beside other 28 commendations, posted at our REVIEWS BOX, which included doctors,teachers,business owners and college students among others.. C) Applying /Accepting /Adapting to Diversity and The Tropical Way of Gardening as the Climate Changes: We are being IMPACTED by a SEVERE CLIMATE CHANGE.This is introducing new challenges to farmers like:FLOODING-DOUUGHT-EXCESSIVE INCLEMENT WEATHER: HEAT/RAIN/WINDS/TSUNAMIS?HURRICANES etc.. OUR classes are INTERACTIVE,DIVERSE and OPEN .Please note that OUR GARDENING WAY IS BY NO WAY the ONLY WAY to GARDEN.We recognize and learn from others too.You as well can do same! Build your own Organic Productive Garden: Now is the time to prepare /build your Spring/Summer organic edible backyard garden .Why ? It is a process and it takes TIME to mature. The summer provides the right moments for COMPOSTING.THE four ELEMENTS of CREATION :WATER,AIR,EARTH,FIRE play an important role in the outer physical garden as well as in our inner spiritual garden.Gardening is the art of being in HARMONY and BALANCE.Gardening is a way of LIFE for being grounded and in touch with MOTHER EARTH and FATHER SKY. We value your interest and time ,as well as ours too!.Please be patient , understanding and graceful as we touch base. Need more info? Keep scrolling down. .We have two pages available for your eyes only!. Working Together-The Spirit of Community: We believe in being partners in learning and implementing the gardening process , so prepare to do some part of the work and do your homework by READING our FREE posted INFO that includes valuable and time tested garden tips imbedded in articles at our blog site:"READ OUR BLOG"! We welcome co-speakers into our classes , and volunteers to our garden .! We come to you as you come to us !! Bring/tell a friend.Want something for nothing: Read our blog. Otherwise ,be respectful to those who teach you the gardening skills and give back.Thank you for following and agreeing to our classes protocols. Late climate changes are having negative impact on our harvests(Some farmers had crop failures due to the intermittant extreme change of temperatures and inclement weather ). Support local urban farmers .Buy local organic produce. A lot of farmers are taking a financial hit in this economic crunch of DEEP_RECESSION.Be supportive . Our PRODUCTS include :Consultations-Workshops - classes - Tutoring : We specialize in APPLIED EDUCATIONAL BIO-DYNAMIC GARDENING/CLASSES/CONSULTATIONS that include : Soil assesement - ammendment -preparation . Raised beds/Container gardens/small/patio .Community gardens at wellness centers/hospitals/churches/schools/community centers/ We Support Local Urban Farming by spreading the Urban Farming Awareness/Know HOW among local Diverse small/large-groups/one on one GARDEN tutoring ,workshops, classes- consultations, customized veggie gardens at your backyards and more..! We come to you or you come to us:Hospitals/Wellness centers,Schools,home associations,churches ,non-profit organizations ,home owners,community gardens etc..ALL ARE Welcome! OUR MOTTO: KNOW BEFORE YOU GROW.We can teach you how in THEORY and HANDS ON. URBAN FARMER is a GREEN JOB:IT PRODUCES food not just CONSUMES it .It stimulates the local economy by adding more GREEN JOBS that recycles US money LOCALLY not send them OVERSEAS when our food is IMPORTED or OUT SOURCEDn to countries like China/Mexico etc..!! WE are PROUD to promote:PROUDLY PRODUCED PRODUCE MADE AND GROWN IN AMERICA!Grow Food NOT LAWNS! Giving back to our community: There are soup kitchens and humans who lost jobs and homes .They need food to eat .While at the Carver Park Community Garden,we donated Organic Produce to THE CARING KITCHEN in Delray Beach from 2001-2008..We welcome volunteers as well working at our community gardens. Sow a seed .Plant a TREE: You can help the environment by planting fruit trees and vegetables instead of the lawn grass!You can help the economy by producing food and not just consuming it.We can teach you how. what is required to start an organic garden in the TROPICS of S.Florida ,in a NUT SHELL? 1-Awareness of how to grow your own from an EXPERIENCED and EDUCATED local urban farmer who is active in DOING ,not just TALKING about it. Books confuse you because they are written for general purpose and different -mostly colder northern climates/agri-zones. .Make sure that you get help from a certified gardener /urban farmer who got horticultural education from a local horticultural entity.!S.Florida falls in the sub -Tropical L region.So it makes a difference to learn it the Tropical way! 2-Adjusting /apply gardening procedures to the way of the tropics. Look for what grows best and not what you like and want. 3-Practice takes time!Gardening is a process.Learn /apply /maintain /harvest/compost . 4- Let there be a starting date,a plan, and a BUDGET to get you started .You learn as you go and grow.Gardening is a PROCESS.It takes time and efforts. 5-Join a community garden in your area. Learn the process first and then apply it to your own backyard. Start small .We recommend container gardening as a starter. A word to the wise: From my own personal experience:I noticed that people have a wish to start a garden and it takes them years to do it.A lot of people procrastinate while the growing season passes them by! They fail to find a local professional help to learn the gardening process. They rush to buy stuff from the garden center and expect that this will be it. They think that learning the theory via cyberspace or books is enough. They miss the hands on point! They miss the actual experience right in the outdoor garden! They buy gardening books that were written to accommodate colder regions. They are confused ,angry and still want to get the garden started right now!So,they go shopping for the convenient ready plants, bagged soil, fertilizers ,pesticides, seeds etc...And the bill: you will be amazed!!!!Soooooooo expensive to buy it ready made! You save a lot if you do it on your own. I can help you if you decided to be a part of the process.Remember that there are Nematodes and Aphids that attack your garden from below and above(soil and air). A garden requires maintenance and follow up care. We need to work on ourselves first before we start digging.Tropical Gardening Awareness ,expectations,experience,budget,practice,maintenance, available time etc.. are of the essence .. Our attitude /intentions /education and dedication to the gardening process will determine whether we fail or succeed.You decide what to do! Give back:Respect and THANKS We use composted horse manure and natural environmentally friendly farming procedures. Available only for local Palm Beach county area. We believe in giving back to our community.We donate to soup kitchens. Read the reviews about what people ,who took our class , say about us! Respect the living earth by paying attention to its living inhabitants: soil, plants, animals and humans. Respect is the keyword to a meaningful life on earth .it is free and mutually felt, just like love!WE fight global warming locally by enriching and teaching our community through planting more EDIBLE FLOWERS /FRUIT TREES and GREENS.Productive organic gardening is Safe Investment in times of market$ crash and tainted food, Trust your money portfolio into your own "stock-yard" and grow living" green dividends that keep you and your family healthy: grow your own food "wealth" . Last but not least: Replace your inefficient -unproductive lawn- save on the water and groceries bill-with a bountiful EDIBLE garden. Do you live in an apartement with a patio? Try container gardening! Are you busy and have no time to work it out? Ask us how we can help? Ever heard of recalls on contaminated food? Have questions or need more info? Come to our classes! RSVP by JUST leaving name and contact phone number.Available: We also teach you safety through garden ergonomics ..Read our blog and LEARN online for FREE from our local urban farming experience !. Remember though: No experience necessary...but you must be willing to learn /apply the gardening process, and have a budget and to garden . More info at our web page /blog link: our blog:Alternative Community Farmer blog at Watch us on YOU TUBE: Read about us at the Sun-sentinal article: 1)www. 2)Follow us at Natural Awakening Magz-PBC "Mark your calendar", and read our articles at web sites : #3)City of Lake Worth :Facsilitated Composting Classes at City of LW from 2010-2011.www.http// 4) Offered seminar/class at Palm Beach State College during Green Expo:www. More info at:, 5)Participated atthe Central Florida Chambers of Commerce GREEN ENERGY CONFERENCE 2013 at WPB -Convention Center.More details at:www., 4)www., 5)Interviewed by Our Green World.More info at:www., Offered classes at WPB Mendel city library,City of Lake Worth Public library,City of Boca Raton Public library United Metaphysical Church,St Andrews Episcopal Church,Praxis,Science Museum WPB .
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