Bad Duck Farms is a small family farm dedicated to sustainable food production. We are located in Ragland, Alabama, a small town about 35 miles outside of Birmingham. We will be serving the immediate area as well as have weekly deliveries into Birmingham. We are committed to producing good local food in ways that are least harmful to the environment, while producing stronger more nutritious plants and healthier soil, and a healthier community. Even though we are not certified organic, we follow organic guidelines. We use no chemical additives, no chemical fertilizers, or chemical pesticides. We do not use genetically modified seed, or transplants, and focus on heirloom and open pollinated varieties whenever possible. As the years go by we will save our own seed to produce plants that are more acclimated to our environment, thereby becoming stronger and more productive year after year. We use composted vegetable wastes, composted leaves, composted animal manures and worm castings to fertilize our plants, and rely on the biodiversity of the farm crops, intercropping with trap plants, beneficial insects, hand picking, insecticidal soaps, and garlic and pepper sprays for pest control. We are a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) based system. We sell shares in the farm to individual families at the beginning of the season, participants receive fresh picked seasonal produce every week for pickup at predetermined pickup locations. We feel that having a subscription based farm really helps us to connect to our members on a closer more one to one basis than we could achieve through a farmers market, making our members an extension of the farmstead. We will have a wide variety of heirloom vegetables available, and in the future will add eggs, honey, fruits, and preserved foods to the available produce. We are a year round farm, growing suitable vegetables under greenhouses, cold frames and hoop houses during the winter to extend the growing season, offering a wide selection cold hardy vegetables during the fall and winter.
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