Local is best, but Fresh AND Local is even better! Biodynamically grown vegetable shares are available for the 2018 season. Details are on our website at Fresh and Local CSA is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project dedicated to serving as a model of sustainability while providing the freshest, most nutritious produce possible to households in the Shepherdstown area. Our produce gets better and better every year because we are balancing our soil with minerals through The Albrecht Method and biology (compost). Many are aware that the nutritional content of food has gone down drastically over the past few generations due to mineral depletion of the soil. We are happy to report that is not true for the food we grow. Why? Because rather than depleting essential soil minerals, we are building them up every year. Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper, Selenium, and Zinc, the intelligence mineral. They, and many trace elements, are all in our soil, abundant, biologically available, and in balance, and in the great food we grow as well Our management methods are biodynamic, a holistic organic farming method developed in the 1920's with the goal of maximizing the flavor and nutrition in food. We are NOT Demeter or USDA certified, but we meet or surpass all standards. We are very happy to discuss why we are not certified with you. But, to be clear: we absolutely meet or exceed all all USDA organic certification requirements. Our food is GMO free. Our CSA doesn't only grow food! We also grow new farmers! Each year we work with 2 or more interns from around the world and give them a chance to learn the skills necessary to operate their own farm or CSA in the future. Your subscription to our CSA supports this important educational effort. Please consider this: less than 1% of the US population is involved in farming. Only a fraction of that is involved in organic farming. Only a faction of that fraction is involved in biodynamic/nutritional farming. It is only through working with an experienced farmer that a young farmer will learn how to grow the wholesome food our children will need!! We also provide public education events. In 2003 we hosted French Viticulturist and food qualtiy advocate, Nicolas Joly. In 2004 we are hosted such sustainable agriculture or local economy experts as Joel Salatin, Sally Fallon, Jerry Brunetti, Michael Shuman, Thomas Linzey and Michael Ableman for community discussions. We also host an internet discussion group on quality in food and farming. In 2005/2006 we hosted Les Blank, Michael Ableman, Sally Fallon (again!) and Farmer John! Last year we were showing the wonderful "How to Save the World" biodynamic farming film at area universities. In 2009 we were selected to host an heirloom vegetable field day for Seeds of Change. In 2010, we participated in panel discussions in D.C. for the documentary "DIRT!" We created and maintain The Biodynamics Now! Investigative Farming and Restorative Nutrition Podcast at or through iTunes! Internships are still available for the 2018 season.
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