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Nowadays it seems like small farms catering to trendy locavores are everywhere. But they aren't everywhere. In some rural communities, quality food and other amenities -- produced responsibly and locally, affordable for everyone -- still aren't available. We women of Daggletail Farm intend to change that for Jackson County and its neighbors. The three of us -- Jen Kennedy, Andrea Combs, and her husband Jonathan Combs -- have formed a small intentional community on our 32 acres of hilly land bordering the Daniel Boone National Forest near McKee. We continually work to turn this property, with its past as an abuse victim, into a flourishing, comfortable habitat for ourselves and for native species. We nourish the soil, revere the streams and make sure they stay healthy and have plenty of room to flow, and are fighting what feels like an uphill battle against invasives. We�re delighted by our ever-expanding veggie and herb plots, are planning a small orchard, and are excitedly looking forward to welcoming a flock of chickens and a small herd of fiber animals to our farm. We�re learning as we go, and there�s still a lot on our �To Accomplish� list: Andrea is learning to spin, weave, and dye her own fabric using plants grown or wild-gathered by Jen. Meanwhile, Jen�s quest to learn more about animals and how to care for them naturally is never-ending, as is her campaign -- with generous help from Jonathan -- to perfect the veggie plot�s diversity and yields, using organic methods and focusing on Appalachian heirloom varieties. Luckily for you, we love what we�re doing so much that we want to share it! So we�re offering homemade soaps (most of them vegan) made with rainwater, as well as handwoven baskets, handmade bags, and crocheted cat toys. Best of all, you can depend on us for plant starts, veggies, and some "value-added" stuff like jams, jellies, baked goods, dried herbs/spices, sauces, luffa, and more! Availability will depend on the season and demand, of course.

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