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Double Check Ranch Grassfed Beef: Raised on native rangeland. Finished on lush pasture. Processed right on the ranch. We are "Beyond Organic" and proud of it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Check Ranch Natural Beef is raised on the Double Check Ranch, 60 miles north of Tucson. It is a family operation, where three generations of the Schwennesen family live and work. Our beef is raised on our and our neighboring ranches, where we have been producing wholesome grassfed beef for over a decade. Our cattle are raised humanely and treated respectfully. They live on open range and eat only range and pasture grass. We do not include hormones, antibiotics, or animal byproducts in their diets. They live in familiar surroundings and are not stressed by repeated trucking. Our beef is distinctively lean and full-flavored. It is dry aged for 14 days in our aging room, tenderizing naturally and gaining its full-bodied flavor. The animals do not have the heavy marbled fat that develops on grain-fed animals. This is the meat your grandparents used to eat. Good meat takes time and our unhurried finishing, aging and butchering process is what makes Double Check Beef exceptional. Our operation is unique because we own the entire beef cycle. From pasture to palate, we control every aspect of the product you eat. The beeves we produce are custom cut at an artisan level in our own packing house on the ranch so your meat is as natural, wholesome and local as you can find. We consider our beef "Beyond Organic." We believe that responsible, small-scale agriculture is a critical, and currently, largely missing key to a responsible economy. Our mission is the production of humane and sustainable beef. We know that managing land well can restore the biodiversity that our landscapes are losing at a frightening rate. We have a biological plan to manage our land holistically, all our decisions are goal driven to ensure that they are socially, economically and environmentally sound. We are dedicated to improving our watershed. We share our ranch with a variety of wildlife: mule deer, javelina, quail, rabbits and rattlesnakes, to name just a few. Coyotes, bobcats, and the occasional mountain lion are an important part of the balance. We feel that this balance is far more important than any economic loss we may incur losing a calf or two to a predator. Therefore, unless an animal is rabid or deviant, we do not control them. Thank you for your interest, we could not do what we do without demand from a discerning group of localvores...

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