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We are entering our twentyfirst season farming organically on our 14-acre farm in Jamesport. Our produce includes salad mix, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers (sweet and hot), beans, peas, onions, garlic, leeks, squash, melons, kale, broccoli, sweet potatoes, eggplant, dill, basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, oregano, sorrel, mint, flowers, pumpkins, vegetable and herb plants, fig trees, and Christmas trees. Everything we grow is certified organic by NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC. In addition to our on-farm CSA (community-supported agriculture) memberships, we also have a CSA pickup point at the Port Jefferson Brewing Company, sell directly at our farmstand, and we take special orders. Our CSA members receive weekly shares of what we grow; our newsletter with farm news, recipes and ideas for the produce you receive; and special invitations for member-only events on our farm. We farm organically because we believe in the value of wholesome food grown in harmony with nature. We want to share our good produce with others who also value it.

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