D.B. Farms, LLC is not a single idea, but many ideas and attitudes, including a reverence for nature and a preference for country farm life; a desire for maximum personal self-reliance and creative leisure; a concern for family nurture and community cohesion; a belief that the primary reward of work should be well-being rather than money; a certain nostalgia for the supposed simplicities of the past; and a taste for the plain and functional. D.B. Farms, LLC reflects and supports the simple life with a focus on living in harmony with nature and the physical earth. Our philosophy is in support of our mission in providing responsibly grown farm products and providing consumer education about those products grown at the farm. We ask: Do you know where your food source comes from? We do at D.B. Farms; from the simplest of produce to the complexities of growing consistent meat products. Our produce is raised without harmful chemicals and pesticides; our meat products are responsibly fed, humanely raised and lovingly handled daily. Our focus is on quality not quantity.
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