The Beckett family started farming in Glastonbury in 1973, when Chip's father bought the Old Cider Mill to keep it from being developed into condominiums after the original condo sale fell thru. Chip worked during off times in college and vet school until 1982, and returned to Glastonbury in 1983 to start his own practice and help out with the farm. In 1985, he bought the farm next door to build the veterinary clinic, Beckett and Associates, and add the acreage to the Cider Mill property. Originally, we sold most things to the Cider Mill, along with wholesalers in Hartford. We have gradually sold to more stands and added farmer's markets two years ago, when his daughter, Leah, was old enough to drive to the markets. The CSA is the next evolution for our farm, to let people see and share what we do with our productive land and good weather.
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