We are a family oriented no spray U-Pick / We-pick operation. Growing Sweet Charlie Strawberries, Crook Neck Squash, Blueberries, Blackberries, Peaches, and Asparagus and Fuyu Persimmons Satsuma Oranges along with other garden vegetables. We use the absolute minimum of chemicals on our plants and only when there is no other alternative. This spring we will begin a Satsuma Orange orchard and we have what is to be our first "Organic Blueberries" harvest. These will available for sale 2020 season. We have also added an acre of the NEW UGA release Titan Blueberries that is average size of a quarter Our Blackberries are the largeTHORNLESS variety making it very easy to pick. You can pick a gallon of berries in less than 30 minutes. Having added about 5000 row feet of the sweetest blackberry plants we could find, there will be plenty thornless, sweet, blackberries as late as September. We have both the early southern Highbush and summer Rabbit Eye Blueberries. and they will be available from April -July. We have goats, baby goats(kids), guineas and chickens Turkeys and a pet Pig for the children to feed. We have [b} Fuyu persimmons and Satsuma Oranges beginning this year
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