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A. H. Herb'n Craft Farm is easily found on US Route 50 on the way to fun and to Ocean City resorts. Only 19 miles after the Bay Bridge. Used to be a rabbit farm. Drive in, six days per week 9:00-7:00 when the gate is OPEN. The farm is over 31 years organic. The rabbits created the wonderful planting medium. You may find some organic produce here. From strawberries to Swiss chard, fruit trees, nut trees, too many to mention. You will always find fabulous blue, green, pink and brown Free Range eggs. Also 4 week old delicious squabs, frozen chickens with the feet on, for soup and the young free range range for the grill, too! This is an herb farm also. From the herbs, hundreds of natural products are made by hand. Healing to cleaning products. Eczema, scar removal, psoriasis proven remedies. You will find plants, and lots or herbs For Sale. Soap making classes are available, raw materials and soap molds It is one amazing place.

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