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As a small family farm, we raise and breed Red Wattle hogs, British White cattle, various breeds of heritage birds and poultry. We use sustainable practices, grind our own non-GMO feed for our animals (when necessary) and raise all our animals on pasture, feeding hay during the cold winter months. Most of our birds are free ranged here on the farm, helping us with their unique benefits of insect/fly/bug control, as well as their quaint charm! We offer feeder piglets through out the year and butcher hogs on a limited basis. Considering the fact that our children are active participants in what we do here on the farm, our interests change frequently! :) Active members of 4-H, our children have become caretakers of several different breeds of animals, birds, etc. Please visit our website to stay updated on animals for sale and what we offer from season to season! Thank you and blessings.......... Pig/Hogs~Cattle~Turkey~Guinea Fowl~Ducks~Chickens~Horses~Geese~Emu~Goats~

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