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Our 3 acre farm is rich, river bottom land, that grows some of the best tasting, nutritious Heirloom vegetables. Our family grows bio-intensive. That means growing in raised beds and close spacing, No chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides, using cover crops, worm castings, natural minerals, and compost from our animals, to feed our soil. We do not use GMO seeds ever. We bought our farm in 2005, each year having added additional beds to the garden. From our garden we are able to sell produce for our CSA members, on the farm at our produce stand, local restuarants, and to Mid Town Catholic Charities farmers market. Our specialty is Heirloom Vegetable, Herbs and Flowers. We also, grow bedding plants for sale out of our greenhouses. In addition to our CSA we have a egg co-op with farmers in our surrounding counties. Our eggs all come from small flocks, no antibiotics or hormones are fed our birds. They are raised cage free, humanely, in fresh air and sunshine. Our eggs can be found at Northwest Coffee, Wine & Cheese in Clayton, Local Harvest Cafes, Mid Town Catholic Charities Market on the menue and other local venues. The third part of our farm is breeding, hatching and raising Heritage Poultry. Our flock includes Buff Brahamas and New Hampshires Chickens to name a few. Heritage Poultry are old breeds that are considered endangered (just like the wild animals)there have already been over 200 chicken breeds alone have been lost. We have Royal Palm Turkeys, Sebastopole Geese, American Buff Geese, Pomerainian, Shetland Geese and assorted colored guineas. Our birds like our garden are raised naturally and humanly. They provide us with great tasting eggs and meat. Our poultry flocks are guarded by our Great Pyrenees Guardian dogs . We are offering 2014 membership in our CSA again, this spring will be our 6th season if you are interested in growing with our farm and want to receive information on how you can become a member please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail. We also have a Local Harvest CSA site. Our future plans are to finish remodeling our turn or the century farm house, continue growing our garden, put in a certified kitchen . This season we will have open our new building that will house our farm stand "Seasons Market" where we will have our vegetable, fresh herbs, fruits. We will also be showcasing other local Missouri products, such as Jams, Honeys, Pickled items, Maple Syrup, Flours, Grass fed Beef, Pork, Goat Milk Soaps, Baked items, BBQ Sauces, Raw Milk Cheeses. . We will be taking bulk orders for those of you that do your own canning such as Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans,. So if you are up at the Silex area please stop by our farm stand and support our local farmers. Check us out on Facebook as we will be listing what is available that week at our "Seasons Market" Farm Stand hours will be 8:00am - 6:00pm- Monday thru Saturday. (We hope to be open in April depending on weather.)

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