The Bobolink Meadows Farm is a small scale family owned and operated farm located in Hebron, New Hampshire. Our mission is to produce fresh, healthy and safe food for the local community. Our farming practices exclude uses of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, hormones, food additives and GMOs. We strive in growing various produce and raising livestock with responsible and sustainable practices of agriculture and respect for nature's care and diversity. We value rural life and are committed to keep our rural community vital while serving as an educational, sustainable, and social network for our surrounding community. We are dedicated to produce excellent organic vegetables, to the sustainable management of the soil, water, and air, and to the pursuit of a healthy and joyful life. We are so grateful to be able to farm on the Hazelton property, our farming practices include conservation of the land and preservation of the bobolink habitat. We make our food available to our community through a Community Supported Agriculture program that you pick up at the farm. Visitors are always welcome to visit. We also believe that farmer's markets are essential to support local economic and local farmers.
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