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Asbury Village Farm is a Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) vegetable farm by the Musconetcong River in Warren county NJ. We currently offer summer CSA shares with family ($840), single ($500), and work shares ($315 + 3 hours of labor per week) available. There is a convenience fee added for purchasing with a credit card through Local Harvest. We supply locally grown, seasonal, fresh and vital produce to members on a weekly basis for 25 weeks from June to Thanksgiving. Certified Naturally Grown means no synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides, and no GMO seed. We go a step further on our farm by not using any pesticides or herbicides, OMRI approved or otherwise, on our fields ever. We rely on crop rotation, row covers, and soil mineral balancing to promote plant health and keep insect and disease damage to a reasonable level. CNG employs a peer-reviewed inspection system.The program is designed for family-sized farms, not agribusiness.

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