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At Bloomingdale Farm Angoras we produce natural fiber and yarn. Our angora fibers and yarn comes from our herd of German and French angoras. We sell loose angora rabbit fiber. It is usually all natural white in color. We sell angora yarn dyed to a variety of shades. Our most popular sellers of angora yarn are pink angora, blue angora, yellow angora, light and dark gray angora, as well as lavender, green and natural white angora yarn. Our mohair comes from our flock of angora goats. We sell raw mohair locks, washed and dyed mohair locks and mohair doll hair that has been washed, dyed to many shades of natural looking hair, and combed so that it is all ready for your doll making project. In addition, we sell mohair and wool spinning batts, angora and wool spinning batts, dyed wool batts, and variously dyed wool. The wool is all garment grade--fine to medium fine wool, grown at my neighbor's sheep farm. She has a spinning flock of over 200 choice wool sheep and lambs. I select the best fleeces for handspinning every spring and bring them back to Bloomingdale Farm to process into beautiful natural fiber batts and yarn.In addition, we also sell a variety of commercial yarns that are useful to handspinners, knitters, weavers and crochet enthusiasts. Occasionally, we produce lovely handwoven scarves, shawls and rugs from our natural fibers.

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