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At all natural rabbits we bring you the highest quality of rabbits. Rabbits are raised at a small family farm in apple valley, california. our rabbits are bred from a cross of 1/4california's white and 3/4 new zealand white and are the tenderest of all rabbit breeds. They are raised naturally without hormones, antibiotics or steroids and fed a alfalfa, timothy and fresh vegetables. we're proud to be a family owned and operated farm! the rabbits we raise are all natural and treated with tlc from conception to birth and as they grow into mature rabbits. Our family provides the day to day running of our rabbitry. The daily feeding, watering, monitoring and tending to any issues of concern are done by our family- not outsiders. The rabbits are closely monitored and well taken care of. Our rabbits thrive in the well ventilated, closely controlled outdoor hutch environment that we provide. there are a lot of exotic meat web sites out there selling rabbit and many other meats. here at all natural rabbits we concentrate on our rabbits producing the healthiest meat to you. that's why we send fresh non frozen meat to you so that you too can enjoy our meat at its best. along with our rabbits we do raise a few other animals on our farm for your enjoyment. we appreciate your business.

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