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Chemical free fresh produce, eggs, and more from our family to yours. Pick your own, local delivery's made a couple of times a week. Call for details Its a pretty simple question that a lot of people are asking now days. "Just what is in my food" The answer a lot of times is not something we really want to hear. Our goal is to provide you with fresh quality food. I feed it to my family so I can stand up and proudly say there is nothing in it or spray on it that I would not want them eating. Organic is a marketing ploy and nothing more now days. Free range chicken and eggs only have to be out of the cage a very short period each day. Our hens are out from sun up tell sun down. The eggs are outstanding it is easy to tell the difference when you crack one open. our veggies are pick fresh everyday. Only the best goes out to our costumers, the rest we eat or we feed to the farm animals. So yes I make sure our costumers get the best of the best and we take a grade down from that. Here's the kicker the sub par that we eat is still 10 times better then anything you see in the store.

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