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In 1966 Juvenile Court Judge D. Arthur Yergey saw a need for a residential facility for young boys who had exhibited negative social behavior due to family circumstances. This led Judge Yergey to John W. �Jack� Lynd, who subsequently opened Edgewood Boys Ranch in Orlando, FL. Through prayer and loving care, boys were given a safe environment in which to change the direction their life was headed. In 1968, a generous donation of 110 acres was given by "Aunt" Minnie Rouse to be the permanent site for the Ranch. In following years, the Ranch added girls to its program and is now called the Edgewood Children's Ranch. Through this residential program for boys and girls ages 6-17, the Ranch today is able to accommodate more than 70 students at a time. Yet the methods and goals are the same as in 1966-love and prayer, bringing about changed hearts and lives.

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