We are a small hobby farm located near New Berlin, Texas. We raise Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, Heritage Rhode Island Reds, Guinea Fowl & Heritage Turkeys. We are located on an idyllic creek where our birds are free ranged and supplemented with a locally sourced no soy, NON-GMO feed! Our birds provide us with many bounties to sell. We sell farm fresh eggs, hatching eggs and baby chicks when available. We plan to add more products in the upcoming months including farm fresh antibiotic free chicken meat. Throughout the year, we offer artisan mustards, infused vinegars, herb & spice mixes, all natural pet treats & grooming products, and handcrafted bath & beauty items made from natural ingredients with flowers & herbs from our gardens. We strive to make every product as natural as possible free from dyes, chemicals & preservatives using organic or non-gmo ingredients.
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