We are a small producer learning and growing our farming skills. Our flock is a mix of breeds. Our hens have full access to pasture meaning they are grass fed and have access to wooded areas foraging for worms and bugs. We supplement their foraging with whole grains only--no corn, no soy--which I hand mix. The hens roost in hoop houses. We now have two Great Pyrenees who keep our hens safe and happy. Because of these two wonderful dogs, our hens are free to enter and leave the hoop houses at will. The hoop houses are moved around the pasture preventing build up of our hens' droppings, exposing the droppings to sunlight and rain, and fertilizing our pasture. This process helps us prevent disease and parasites that can harm our hens. Another hoop house is for laying eggs and feeding. We also have another outside area with nesting boxes. This keeps the hens' droppings away from their nesting area and gives us very clean eggs with no need to wash the eggs. I say our hens are happy because freedom is exhilarating. I believe that happy hens produce better eggs and are able to produce for more years of their life. We currently sell our eggs at a local farmer's markets, but we welcome any inquiries about our eggs and can work out delivery. As long as the hens lay, we will sell. Extreme cold and heat slows egg production.
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