We started our little family farm, because we wanted to eat better food!! Our products and offerings are always changing, due to season and interest. You can find our products at the Chatham Real Food Co-op, located at 15 Church Street, Chatham, NY 12037 We don't do any 'on-farm' sales, but are always happy to chat online! Drop us an email anytime! Friend us on facebook. We aren't officially certified by anyone but ourselves. (This is because it costs SO much money to GET certified, we are so small - it doesn't make sense for us!) You should know we ONLY feed our birds certified organic feed (from Green Mountain Feed) and provide access to range (that's outside - think grass and bugs) year-round. Our bees are kept naturally, NO treatments period. This is the only way we want our honey. We garden organically, and use no treatments on our hops. This year, we may be able to offer a small amount of hop rhizomes to interested parties, at the very beginning of April. Email for details. Thanks for checking us out, and have a super fantastic day!
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