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Mesa top farm, the founding beneficial farm, is a biodynamic farm focusing on community supported agriculture (csa). we also work with 40 other regional farms as a cooperative csa. mesa top farm offers community living for co-workers and apprentices. the farm is on an off-the-grid homestead on 800 acres at 7,000 feet elevation in the pinon-juniper ecosystem of northern new mexico. We utilize rainwater catchment, photovoltaic electricity, drip irrigation, and wastewater recycling to create a resource conscious farm setting. most of the land is forest and wilderness. we produce our vegetables and eggs using a small part of the total farm acreage. we are working toward the goal of an integrated farm individuality, including diverse livestock, annual and perenial crops. we pasture a small herd of cows, and offer grass finished beef. you can join the csa any week of the year on For questions, call dena aquilina at 505-470-1969.

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