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We are a producer of organic dry beans and grains near Ithaca, NY. Our main bean varieties are black, pinto, navy, and red, though we also grow several heritage varieties in smaller amounts. We also grow spelt, wheat, corn for cornmeal, and food-grade soybeans. By April, 2009, we will have an operating four mill providing locally-grown organic wheat and spelt flour and corn meal. We have been on this farm since 1976, though the current operation started in 2003. In 2005, our local food coop, Greenstar, indicated a strong interest in having a local supplier of dry beans. With their support and strong community interest, we began the process of growing, cleaning and packaging our dry beans for local sale. We currently supply Greenstar and other food coops in NY as well as several CSAs. We also are at the NYC Union Square Greenmarket on Wednesdays and hope to start Saturdays in the Fall.

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