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A family farm since 1854. Sustainably growing; grass-fed, humanely-raised beef; honey; produce; soybeans; wheat; oats; and grass hay. We offer a 22-week CSA which runs from the end of May through the middle of October. We sell at our on-farm veggie-stand, local farmers markets, Farm-2-School program, and food co-ops. We are committed to a system of food production that promotes life and conserves natural resources, employing techniques rooted in regeneration and renewal. Our farm is free of hormones, GMOs, antibiotics, and harmful chemicals since 1976. We feature many heirloom vegetables and use organically produced seeds whenever possible. Amazing Grace Family F.A.R.M. is a small family farm that is committed to the philosophy and practice of making choices that support ecological diversity and renewal. We find our labor to be rewarding and fulfilling. We offer the finest products raised in a pure & natural fashion. We specializes in direct-to-the-consumer sales as well as selling at local farmers markets and at Basics Co-op in Janesville, but we also offer contracting of specialty crops and wholesaling of produce. Internships available. Janet welcomes the opportunity to speak to your organization or group. for more information visit our website

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