Climbing Tree Farm is a small, family farm in New Lebanon, NY. We raise HERITAGE PORK, POULTRY, and LAMB all on pasture and woodland all of the time. We keep our animals true to their instincts- letting our pigs root, our chickens, turkeys, and geese range, our sheep graze. We rotationally graze our animals on pasture and woodland. Our animals harvest a huge amount of food on their own- by grazing the natural landscape and crop plots that we plant for them. We also partner with other local farmers to feed our animals fresh, gleaned, produce. We work with local grass-fed dairies and breweries to feed our pigs whey, milk and brewers' grains. We are conscientious stewards of our land and our animals. We're proud of every animal we raise, and every product we sell. If you have questions please ask. If you want to see sustainable agriculture in action please come see our farm- it's beautiful!
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