Like many, we began as a traditional, part-time, row crop and cattle operation supported by off farm jobs. We began a transition on the upper 15 or so acres a few years ago. Although we presently have little in the way of livestock, we do still raise a round of pasture raised heavy barnyard broilers each year (not Cornish Cross) and we sell brown eggs from pastured hens. We now have a hoophouse, a very small greenhouse, and six raised beds, as well as about 1/2 acre of in ground production for vegetables and some flowers. We also sell small quantities of bedding plants in spring. We are developing a small dairy goat herd, hope within 4 months to be able to take on new customers at the farm. We take credit cards and have been approved to accept EBT as well. we sell at the Lafayette County Farmers Market on Wednesday afternoons 4 - 6:30 in Lexington, MO, Odessa, MO on Thursday evenings from 4:30-7 from end of April to the end of September and on the farm on Sat mornings from May through end of October.
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