Located in Turkey, North Carolina, Beartrack Farm is an organic, sustainable, humane farm that offers fresh produce, meat products, free-range organic eggs, and native flowers for purchase. The farm currently has cows, pigs, horses, goats, chickens, and ducks, as well as a wide variety of seasonal produce available. We have a weekly CSA that locals can join as well, that contains a dozen eggs, fresh baked goods with organic ingredients from the farm, and fresh produce. In addition to filling the bellies of our neighbors with healthy, local, organic food, we write an educational blog for people nationwide who are interested in the principles we farm by and the techniques we use for medium and smaller-scale farming. Please follow our blog at website, and like our Facebook page! **Join us on April 19, 2014 for our first annual Beartrack Farm Field Day! From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., you can meet us, pet the animals, and tour the gardens and greenhouse.
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