We have found ourselves with the growing movement of people, probably like you, who seek to live a different life. For some, it is simpler, greener and more organic. For others, it is rediscovering memories of a rural childhood. Whichever is the case for you, we are glad you're here and hope we can help you and your family by providing healthy food choices and information on sustainable food. On our farm, we raise heritage poultry, the old breeds that our grandparents grew up enjoying. We have chickens and turkeys that are allowed to range free and forage on the earth the why God intended. They have constant access to a natural diet and enjoy plenty of fresh air and sunshine. We do not use artificial growth hormones; do not feed meat or bone meal; and do not use antibiotics. The meat is 21% higher in protein and 22% lower in fat per serving. We are a full circle farm which means we have breeders and layers, as well as, grow out chickens and turkeys. We allow our birds to mature at their natural rate. We do not process them until they are 16 to 22 weeks old. Therefore offering you outstanding taste for healthy meals.
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