Baum farm is located in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. The farm is a 185 acre meadow farm located on the Connecticut River. The farm is completely USDA certified Organic. We offer raw jersey milk, high quality organic hay for horse and dairy and free range eggs plus farm tours. On the farm, we have a herd of registered Jersey cows. The Jersey cow have the highest butter fat milk and also the best tasting milk. These cows are the basis of our raw milk dairy. We bottle and sell the milk at the farm. Our cows are primarily grass feed with a small amount of grain to provide the extra energy to maintain a healthy weight. We are also animal welfare approved (AWA) for the dairy. AWA is a more stringent requirement for dairy then even organic. Our cows are very friendly and love to see our customers. We also have free range chickens that produced the eggs that we sell. The chickens live on the pasture and are moved to free grass every 2-3 days. We also harvest horse and dairy organic hay on our pastures. The type of hay we produce is timothy hay in the small square configuration
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