Like so many folks these days, we value participating in our local food economy and aim to offer one more excellent reason to not "drive over the hill" for food. What if we really could feed ourselves locally? It is a worthy goal. The world would be a healthier place. What better place to build community sustainability than in our South Coastal of the Bay Area where we are isolated by the Santa Cruz mountains and are blessed with some of the most fertile soil in the world? And is there a better use of our land than growing food for ourselves and neighbors? Echo Valley Farm is our opportunity to participate in a small way in this hugely important effort to feed our community, help build a local food system, relearn the food crafts of our grandparents' generation and all the while build the soil a bit while we are at it. Right now we are focused on producing the highest quality organic eggs from our pastured raised chickens. Our chickens at Echo Valley Farm are raised with daily access to their slice of the meadow, free to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine in their preditor-safe habitat. We feed our girls an all organic, soy-free diet in addition to letting them free range on the pasture. They are also the frequent recipients of our organic trimmings, herbs, and weeds from our CCOF certified raised beds. Our healthy chickens live good lives here in Loma Mar and produce a healthy egg for you, our dear customers. Enjoy!
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