Benny's Poultry and Produce Our Story: When a photographer asks a farmer to bring home some ducks and chicken for a spring promotion, you get 9 ducks and 24 chicks, way more than I needed. Then it happened chicken fever, A.K.A I just couldn't get enough baby chicks. Countless trips to the feed store to see what was available and purchasing. Luckily Mike was brought up on a poultry farm and we had an expert on hand. We made the decision to make our obsession into a real business. In the winter of 2015 we dusted off Mike's Grandfather's Red Cedar incubator and proceeded to hatch out 150 Peking ducks, 100 plus chickens, that became a barnyard mix and 100 Bourbon Red Turkeys, all from our original stock. We are an all-natural farm with pasture and free range chickens, ducks and heritage Bourbon Red turkeys. All of our birds were hatched right here on our farm. Our birds forage for bugs and worms, they eat grass and seeds. They are free to roam 31 acres of rich river bottom soil complete with a forest and a stream. The birds live a stress free life. They all come home at night and are closed in their coops to protect them from predators. Our animal feed is ground fresh for us weekly and only contains natural ingredients. We never give our birds hormones or inject them with any fillers. Benny�s Farm got its name from a Rhode Island Red Rooster that courted me at an early age. With some coaxing Benny would let me pet him. Soon I couldn't come out of the house without him running up to me. He comes when you sing Ba ba ba Benny and the Jets! He enjoys daily back scratches and follows me around like a dog. He is one of the reasons my love for the birds grew so deeply. Mike is the jack of all trades master of most. He has built all of the housing, feeds everyone every day and supplies them with snacks when he comes home from his full time job. I work side by side with Mike watering and collecting eggs in the morning. Nothing beats seeing the sunrise everyday with the love of your life. Mike spoils the birds too. When his truck comes in the driveway they all go running to see him, they know he has a snack. We plan on growing our business so we can both can work at our mutual passion on a full time basis. We strive to give the animals a natural stress free environment the way they were meant to be raised. The product is wonderful natural raised food for people to eat.
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