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Alpine Dairy Cheesemaking Classes of St. Louis, MO Cheese Making Classes with Merryl Winstein

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WEEKLY CHEESE MAKING CLASSES in St. Louis, Missouri using cow milk, goat milk, or sheep milk. Get your hands in, have fun, and learn the good, professional and traditional methods that make great tasting artisan cheese. Learn correct curd textures, pH, salting, ripening, more. Get your questions answered, find out why your cheese hasn't turned out right, and have FUN! Or, buy my SUCCESSFUL CHEESEMAKING book - 630 pages, 800 photos, tells all (view/order at ). Kids or adult classes, beginner or experienced, all will learn. LOCATION: St. Louis / Brentwood / Maplewood MO, 2 miles east of Whole Foods, Galleria. Near Kakao Chocolates / Pennzeys in Maplewood MO. REGISTRATION AND INFO: Hear podcast: the Curd Radio Podcast Episode 353, Oct. 1, 2018 Read Blog: Monthly CHEESEMAKING CLASS SCHEDULE Fall 2019: ___________________________ MONTHLY CHEESEMAKING CLASSES St. Louis, (Maplewood) Missouri 63143 with Merryl Winstein, Cheesemaker from St. Louis, Missouri author of "Successful Cheesemaking®" book SIGN UP AT NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED - YOU'LL BE EXPERIENCED BY THE TIME YOU LEAVE Have fun getting your hands into a full array of traditional & professional cheese and cheese making methods for cow, goat, or sheep. Learn about pH, curd texture, salting, ripening, every secret for making your cheese taste great. Find out why your cheese didn't work before. Have fun and make new friends. You will NOT bring home cheese, but you will bring home a complete direction packet and knowledge for making all your favorites of cow milk, goat milk, or sheep milk. SIGN UP HERE, ___________________ COMPLETE, ALL-DAY, CHEESE WEEKEND St. Louis MO Sat Oct 26 & Sun Oct 27, 8:45am-5pm choose one day or both $185 per person per day. SAT Oct 26, 2019 � FRENCH TOMME: basic, mesophilic, pressed cheese. ....(Can be ripened with molds, or without molds as Ossau-Iraty style) � BANDAGED BRITISH CHEDDAR: traditional, cloth-bound � CAMEMBERT-BRIE SUN Oct 27, 2019 � GOUDA (washed curd cheese) � MOZZARELLA: Stretched, traditional, (NOT quickie citric acid kind) � BLUE CHEESE ___________________________ TWO DAYS of CHEESE! Nov 2-3, 2019, 8:45am-5pm choose one day or both $185 per person per day. SAVE $25: Two people one day, or one person both days, $345 total. ��ALPINE CHEESEMAKING Sat Nov 2, 2019 - all day � COMTE/GRUYERE: High-temperature, thermophilic cheese of French Alps � MORBIER: pungent, washed-curd, cheese, with ash line in the middle � BRIE/CAMEMBERT ��The WHOLE GAMUT CHEESEMAKING Sun Nov 3, 2019 - all day � FRENCH TOMME: Basic, mesophilic, pressed cheese � FETA, BLUE & BRIE: 3 cheeses from one pot � MOZZARELLA: Stretched, traditional method ____________________ NON-RENNETED CHEESE, Adults or KIDS Sat Nov 9, 1:00-2:30 $35 per adult $10 each child with parent � Quick, tasty, QUESO BLANCO. � YOGURT and SOUR CREAM � Cultured COTTAGE CHEESE ______________________________ Day after Thanksgiving: GREEK CHEESEMAKING Fri Nov 29, 2019, 8:45-5pm $185 per person SAVE $25: Two people one day, or one person both days, $345 total � KEFALOTYRI: Flavorful, thermophilic pressed cheese � FETA � MIZITHRA � MANOURI PRICE: $185 per person per day SIGN UP: PODCAST Heritage Radio Network Heritage food podcasts the Curd Radio Podcast Episode 353, Oct. 1, 2018 host: Diane Stempel, cheese investigator. READ BLOGPlanet Cheese, here. blogger Janet Fletcher's weekly cheeseletter. Sept. 5, 2018 issue PODCAST: Earthworms Show with Jean Ponzi. (KDHX_FM 88.1, St. Louis, MO, Nov 24, 2017). VISIT LIKE me on Facebook/SuccessfulCheeseMakingBook If you like chickens, gardening, dairy animals, cow milk, goats milk, sheep milk, making beer, wine or bread you'll like these weekly cheese making classes! �¯�¿�½ FETA �¯�¿�½ MIZITHRA �¯�¿�½ MANOURI REGISTRATION AND INFO: If you like chickens, gardening, dairy animals, cow milk, goats milk, sheep milk, making beer, wine or bread you'll like these weekly cheese making classes! Hear podcast: the Curd Radio Podcast Episode 353, Oct. 1, 2018 Read Blog: VISIT/REGISTER FOR CLASS/BUY BOOK: LIKE me on Facebook/SuccessfulCheeseMakingBook

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