Bluebird Farm raises healthy, flavorful, vegetables, pastured meats, and eggs using techniques that improve the health of our land and contribute to a diverse ecosystem. We are dedicated to building living soils to ensure the quality and vigor of our vegetables and animals. All of our meat animals are fed Certified ORGANIC grains. Our laying hen flock is fed a non-medicated, all-grain feed with pro-biotics and rotated on grass pastures. All of our animals are raised outside on pasture without the use of antibiotics or synthetic hormones. Pastured animals are very healthy and are able to express natural animal behaviors. The robust flavor of our meat and eggs is achieved by our humane rotational pasture system. We have eggs, beef, pork, seasonal chicken, and seasonal lamb. Our neighbor and farming mentor raises pastured beef for Bluebird Farm that is custom grazed to our rotational specifications and raised without hormones or antibiotics. Our vegetables are grown in living soils without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides and harvested at the peak of freshness. Road weary grocery store vegetables cannot match the ripeness, flavor, and nutrition of our freshly harvested vegetables. We grow over 50 varieties of vegetables including heirlooms. We only grow vegetable varieties that pass our taste tests! Seasonal vegetables available April-December. You can purchase our products at local farmers markets, at the farm, or through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Local restaurants also purchase our farm products. We are proud to provide all of our customers with high-quality, ethical food while contributing to a healthy environment and our community.
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