We farm pasture-raised chickens, turkeys, rabbits, and pigs on our small farm, Early Bird Ranch, in Pescadero. Both my husband and I trained at Polyface Farm with Joel Salatin and are happy to be back in our native California producing meat that is respectful of the animals, good for the land, nutritionally dense, and supremely delicious. Our chickens are moved at sunrise everyday onto fresh pasture. This way they can help themselves to the rich variety of wild grasses, clover, and insect life that surround our farm. Our rabbits are moved each morning so they can nibble green forages, and the pigs are rapidly rotated through forest stands gleaning roots, leaves, and seasonal treats like acorns. Additionally, we supplement the animal's access to pasture with a feed free of antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Our driving mission is to produce the most transparent, wholesome, and affordable product that we can for our neighbors in the Bay Area.
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