Dragonfly Farm is a diverse family farm located in Southwest Colorado. We grow vegetables, herbs, and operate a raw milk dairy. We also maintain a flock of hens for eggs, turkey's for meat and pastured pork. We employ only organic we are not certified and sustainable methods, for producing our crops and maintaining our animals. We believe strongly in feeding the soil to produce a healthy plant and spend many of our resources in building up and sustaining organic matter in the soil via various cover crops, organic soil admendments and compost, and crop rotations. This year we are deep digging all of our beds to apply a biointensive growing system. Healthly soil grows healthly plants! In the conventional/industrialized food system the average meal travels 1,500 miles before reaching your table. With this highly centralized food chain it is impossible to know how our food was grown, washed, packaged, stored, and transported. Conversely, local food systems build community and develop regional identity and character. They provide more meaningful livelihoods for food and agriculture workers, encourage community interaction, and build respectful relationships. We see no reason that communities cannot feed themselves and are betting on it by doing our best to grow and sell our produce locally using local resources. You can support our farm by buying our vegetables at various local farmers' markets, through our (CSA) subscription program, at our farm stand in Dolores. We are open for visits and hours are listed but please realize that we are a working farm. Working means we don't spend a lot of time on making things pretty but on making things work for our family. Farming is a very intensive lifestyle and we do not use interns on the farm to help us it is mainly family and hired help in the peak of season. We are commited to providing a lifestyle to sustain our family and provide local food for the community. So if you happen to come by and see our chickens trying to cross the road because they are cage free, shoo em back for us please. :)
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