Deja view is a small family farm on the outskirts of santa cruz in the fertile growing region of corralitos, ca. We are dedicated to growing quality produce with sustainable practices. We strive to conserve the process of diversity and the natural resources of our farm by use of cover crops and minimal tillage. Maintaining existing habitats on the property such as native grassland, grassed waterway and woodland perimeters go hand in hand with the success of our vegetables herbs and fruit that we produce using natural methods. Our practices create habitat for natural predators. This practice supports to keep the insect and rodent population low without the use of pesticides or herbicides that are harmful to all species. We keep the pollination up and the damaging insects and rodents down buy providing natural predators homes on the farm such as bee boxes, bat boxes and owl boxes. We have hedgerows of native trees and shrubs and grassed waterway, this is part of maintaining the balance of nature naturally, giving many reptiles, birds and beneficial habitat and protection. Our farm supports its biodiversity and we use natural practices. We utilize our compost and worm castings on what we sow, grow and care for to produce vigorous plants and flavorful produce. This year with the help of our new green house that farmer david constructed we will be able to provide specialty produce for culinary needs. Please let us know what we might grow for you.
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