We are a small family farm located in the rural southwest corner of Medina County. On the farm, we specialize in Pastured Chickens, Turkeys, Pigs, and grass-fed cows without the use of antibiotics or hormones. We also sell fresh eggs from our flock of heritage free ranging chickens. During the summer and fall, we raise Redbro Ranger meat chickens. In the fall, we harvest our Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys and heritage breed Bourbon Red Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Our heritage Tamworth pigs are pastured raised and sold as whole, half, by the sampler box or by the individual cut. Registered Tamworth breeding stock are available as well as 8 week old weaned feeder pigs. Please contact us for details on availability and purchasing. We also grow a variety of heirloom vegetables which are sold at the farm. We also operate a Meat and Egg CSA which features all the meats produced on the farm We encourage our customers to come out and tour the farm . Please check out our website for more information. We are also on facebook so please check us out.
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